Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I disagree with the article and the psychologist we read because not all games are the same. He stated that most games teach kids to reject old values and the world is dark and dangerous, however, most games does not like that. Most games teach kids to think proactive, and to think how to make the world better not the world is a bad place. In addition, I dont think that games desensitizing children because I think that only violent games does that but most of games does not contains that much killing. However, I also agree with him by some points. For example, David Grossman stated that most games simulate warfare and actually I think about 75% of games simulate warfare, but in different levels. Some contains extreme violent but there are still some that does not teach kids to be violent. I also agree that games made kids addict to it like smoking because there were, there are and there will be kids quit their education to play games. In conclusion, I agree with Grossman that games does addict kids but I do not agree that all games are violent.


  1. hey Dang the Gross man dude who is very gross talked about violent games, not every single game, so i disagree with the statement, "I disagree with the article and the psychologist we read because not all games are the same."

    i just posted a firetrucking comment

  2. I agree with you Dang, david grossman i dea on video game is some what dangerous toward the mind of children is wrong.

  3. hey Dang the Gross man dude who is very gross talked about violent games, not every single game, so i disagree with the statement, "I disagree with the article and the psychologist we read because not all games are the same."
