Monday, May 23, 2011

About the book (Only Ms.Patrice)

(Note, if you read this, the board game would be pretty boring because this contains all of the answer.)

Don’t call me Ishmael is a book about a 14 years old boy name Ishmael who was upset with his name and was bullied. He was bullied and humiliated by Barry Bagsley and his gangs. Everybody was feared and very scared of the bullies. One day, Ishmael saw the bullies was bullying a little boy and for the first time in his life, he stood up and saved the boy. After that a while, St.Daniel Boy’s School welcomes a new member, James Scobie, who was the savior for all victims of Barry Bagsley. James Scobie has endless courage not only to defend him but also defeated the bullies. The gangs put spider, with disgusting insects in Scobie’s desk to fear him. But, it did not scare Scobie but made Barry Bagsley and his friends got detention from the principal. After just one week in St.Daniel, James Scobie is now very famous for defeating the bullies through his language powers. Scobie not only stopped at that but continue to help St.Daniel by making a poem to gives the football team the spirit. And in the first time in history, St.Daniel ‘s Boys won thanks to spirit of James Scobie. James Scobie then lead the debate team, and he made Ishmael to join it. At the debate, Ishmael found his first crush, Kelly Faulkner. However, the ones who found his love was Orazio Zorzotto, and James Scobie. The debate team continues to win without Ishmael until one day, when Bill Kingsley was sick and Ishmael has to stand up and speak for the first time in his life. It wasn’t a good one after all because of a series of embarrassment happened. First, a peg, fell out of his pants, which was Ringo from the Beatles was made by his sister. Ishmael was so embarrassed that he fainted and his fainting make it worst. When he was free-falling, he was actually touched Kelly Faulkner’s mammary. After that, he found out that the boy he rescued from the bullies was Faulkner’s brother. This lead them to a better relationship despite the incidents. But then, the doom day fell on St.Daniel, Scobie have to leave for a health check, and he may be will not return.  And Barry Bagsley back to his ownself.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Last Draft

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I disagree with the article and the psychologist we read because not all games are the same. He stated that most games teach kids to reject old values and the world is dark and dangerous, however, most games does not like that. Most games teach kids to think proactive, and to think how to make the world better not the world is a bad place. In addition, I dont think that games desensitizing children because I think that only violent games does that but most of games does not contains that much killing. However, I also agree with him by some points. For example, David Grossman stated that most games simulate warfare and actually I think about 75% of games simulate warfare, but in different levels. Some contains extreme violent but there are still some that does not teach kids to be violent. I also agree that games made kids addict to it like smoking because there were, there are and there will be kids quit their education to play games. In conclusion, I agree with Grossman that games does addict kids but I do not agree that all games are violent.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

12 & 13 choose own games?

I think twelve and thirteen years old "kids" CAN choose their own games but only games that are rated and appropriate for their age (i.e. early childhood, everyone, teenagers, and everyone 10+) because these games does NOT contains any violents (or some, not much), any form of drugs or alcohol. I think twelve and thirteen years old can choose their games freely but should be under a supervised of an older adults who understand a lot about the good side and the bad side. In conclusion, twelve and thirteen years old should NOT play games that are not suitable for them (i.e.  mature 17+, and adults only 18+), and under any circumstances they should be supervised and advised by an adult that understand a lot about games.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Research Report on Calculator

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I think in the book "The Carpet Boy's Gift" mostly all of the children rights was abused by the master of the carpet factory that the boy (Nadeem, i dont know how to spell) works at. But among them all, I think the three rights of:
  • No one is allowed to kidnap or sell you. 
  • You have the right to protection from any kind of exploitation (being taken advantage of). 
  • No one is allowed to punish you in a cruel and harmful way. 
  have been abused the most. The family of the boy was selling him to the factory to get money so that abusing the rights the boy has but also an inhumane act as slavery trading. The boy was also being taken advantage of since the master took almost all of the money the boy made. And the last one is the right the have been abused the most "No one is allowed to punish you in a cruel and harmful way". The master have tied the boy and lock the boy in the room for weeks and may never let him out if the girl was not helping him.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Website!

I just finished my website :D please try it!

Click Here!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My favorite song

My song: Rondo Alla Turca by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

I chose this song, Rondo Alla Turca or also known as Turkish March because this song is the song that actually made me like classical music. Turkish March really gives you energy with its really fast speed which normally not used in classical music. This song also recall a lot of memories about my old best friend, who actually play me this song when I first came to his house. Rondo Alla Turca's meaning is very hard to determine, because in some verses the melody is very different. This one of my best song in classical music.

---Additional Information-----

Rondo All Turca is a part of Piano Sonata No. 1. However, Turkish March often played on its own instead of playing with the sonata. It is also known as the best known piano-piece of the genius composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Images of Poem

Reading this poem have made me think of a lot of pictures, particularly the house.

I was imagining a very messy house with leaked roof, windows broken and a very dirty place. I was also thought of the women's angry face and expressions toward the agents who was trying to collect her renting money. And the last image I have in mind was Hades in a very dark place, the underworld. I thought of the last image because in the poem the women actually said that she would die!

These are all I can think of.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome to Dang LA BLOG
