Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I think in the book "The Carpet Boy's Gift" mostly all of the children rights was abused by the master of the carpet factory that the boy (Nadeem, i dont know how to spell) works at. But among them all, I think the three rights of:
  • No one is allowed to kidnap or sell you. 
  • You have the right to protection from any kind of exploitation (being taken advantage of). 
  • No one is allowed to punish you in a cruel and harmful way. 
  have been abused the most. The family of the boy was selling him to the factory to get money so that abusing the rights the boy has but also an inhumane act as slavery trading. The boy was also being taken advantage of since the master took almost all of the money the boy made. And the last one is the right the have been abused the most "No one is allowed to punish you in a cruel and harmful way". The master have tied the boy and lock the boy in the room for weeks and may never let him out if the girl was not helping him.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Website!

I just finished my website :D please try it!

Click Here!