Thursday, January 13, 2011

My favorite song

My song: Rondo Alla Turca by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

I chose this song, Rondo Alla Turca or also known as Turkish March because this song is the song that actually made me like classical music. Turkish March really gives you energy with its really fast speed which normally not used in classical music. This song also recall a lot of memories about my old best friend, who actually play me this song when I first came to his house. Rondo Alla Turca's meaning is very hard to determine, because in some verses the melody is very different. This one of my best song in classical music.

---Additional Information-----

Rondo All Turca is a part of Piano Sonata No. 1. However, Turkish March often played on its own instead of playing with the sonata. It is also known as the best known piano-piece of the genius composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Images of Poem

Reading this poem have made me think of a lot of pictures, particularly the house.

I was imagining a very messy house with leaked roof, windows broken and a very dirty place. I was also thought of the women's angry face and expressions toward the agents who was trying to collect her renting money. And the last image I have in mind was Hades in a very dark place, the underworld. I thought of the last image because in the poem the women actually said that she would die!

These are all I can think of.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome to Dang LA BLOG
